Note that x86_64 emulators are not currently supported. # Launch the emulator in the background $ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator -avd Android_5.1_API_22 -no-skin -no-audio -no-window -no-boot-anim -gpu off & # Note: You will have to add a suitable time delay, to wait for the emulator to launch. k "system-images android-22 default armeabi-v7a " \ Echo "no" # because it will ask if you want to use a custom hardware profile, and you don't. Sdkmanager "system-images android-22 default armeabi-v7a " # Create an ARM AVD emulator, with a 100 MB SD card storage space. # Download an ARM system image to create an ARM emulator. For this reason it is convenient # to increase the adb timeout to avoid errors. #!/bin/bash # Arm emulators can be quite slow. You can write a script to create and launch an ARM emulator, which can be used for running integration tests or instrumentation tests or unit tests:
#Buildbox export apk android
Run an Android emulator in the Docker build machine Please see our own action for an examples. Note: For improved security reference the action directly by commit hash and not tag. name: Clean build to avoid action/cache error run: rm -fr build
#Buildbox export apk apk
Path: /root/.gradle/caches key: $-gradle- name: Build run: | echo "Work dir: $(pwd)" echo "User: $(whoami)" flutter -version flutter analyze flutter build apk - name: Archive apk uses: with: Runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 container: mingc/android-build-box:latest steps: If the container has 4gb of memory available than the following would be reasonable settings: 4gb = 3072m (Xmx) + 756m (MaxMetaspaceSize) + 256mb (overhead / etc). For example, if 10gb is allocated to the container, and using the already listed values, then we have 10gb = 8gb (Xmx) + 1gb (MaxMetaspaceSize) + 1gb (overhead / buffer / other). The total memory available to the container should be greater than the Xmx value + the MaxMetaspaceSize.
#Buildbox export apk software
The latest image will always have the latest software installed, including the last 8 Android SDKs for platforms and associated build tools. Please also see the matrixes file for details on the various software installed for the various tags. Android NDK (always the latest version, side-by-side install).It includes the following components for the last tagged release: An optimized Docker image that includes the Android SDK and Flutter SDK.